Tuesday, May 31, 2011

FB Updates 4

Hi. Yes, I’ll take… More Time in the Day with a side of Less Work and an extra large order of Massage Boy at my Desk. And can you Super Size that? (and believe me, I understand the irony in logging on to Facebook to complain about my lack of time…)
The sound of steel drums is a snake charmer and my joy is a simple little serpent which is easily coaxed.
I will never understand pot-stirrers. True, I am a busy-body and I love to know what’s going on…but why must people create drama. Life is too short for this kind of pettiness. We are all here for the same reason, just chill the F out.
Today I have burned out two and broken one light bulb. I'm really hoping this is not a foreshadowing for the direction of my creativity.
All this time whenever I heard the phrase “the ball’s in your court” I pictured basketball. But now I’ve realized it’s really about TENNIS?! I guess there’s only one court in basketball, so I’m not sure what the hell I was thinking
Not sure what leaves the worst taste in my mouth: Listening to someone tell me something that I know is a lie or accidentally putting carrots and chocolate in my mouth at the same time. Tough call.
saying that I'm "running to the video store to return a movie" feels as current as saying "anyone want to play me in Atari?"
there's something really beautiful & dangerous about watching my kids run with a pack of neighborhood boys - digging and building bridges in a stagnant swamp. Meanwhile, I'm living an equally thrilling life by blindly reaching into the pockets of my 8 years old's pockets before washing his pants
best decision I've made in a long time: Audio version of Tina Fey's Bossy Pants on a portable listening device - read by Tina Fey. Hilarious. It's like hanging out with her all day! So far we've dropped off the recycling, made lunch, now we're going to work in the garden together. What fun! :)
As I walked down the hallway with a delicious steaming bowl of Carbonara, I smugly thought to myself, "See? I can eat in places OTHER than the kitchen because I'm one of the adults in this house." then...Karma knocked that bowl right out of my hand and made a big fat mess on to the brand new carpet. (Such a grown up am I as I claw at noodles on my hands and knees hoping nobody comes home.) Nice.
My Mother's Day Morning: Noticed the sun light through my eyelids before I even opened them. The A-List cast of birds are singing outside. Top that with a baby-daddy holding post between kids so they aren't fighting, a homemade card waiting in the hallway outside my bedroom and plans for a delicious brunch! Hope you all have your favorite kind of day, too ~ whatever it is. Happy Mother's Day.
Would it be wrong to wake up my boys, who promptly fell asleep at 8:00 pm and say, "ha! see? I TOLD you you were tired!"

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