Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Posting Posting Posting

Using all my Tetris stacking skills while packing-up the car after camping.
mouths that look like they have a perma-dip/chew in their bottom lip confuse me
It's always nice to run into people who knew me when i was young. Especially when they passive-aggressively say to the person they're with, "yes, she was a BRAT. a bratty, snotty, BRAT."
Wondering who you have to pay to show up in the “Trending” section on Yahoo’s homepage... Seriously?! Ricki Lake?! What’s next? Tab Soda?
I feel bad for possibly stifling it's creative voice, but I might try and sell some leg warmers to the effing cricket beneath my bedroom window. I'm going with the "leg warmers are trending on Yahoo right now" angle.
Riding my bike to work today I saw a tree with a hole in the bottom and a squirrel peaking out. If there had just been a rainbow, a unicorn and some birds shaped like an “M” in the sky above – it would have been an exact replica of every childhood drawing I made
(playing 20 questions) me: "I'm thinking of something that starts with the letter B." My son: "Bassoon?" me: "no, but it rhymes with that word." My son: "bacroon?" me: "no, it's a real word." My son: "well thanks for NOTHING, Dr. Suess..."
Summer evening breeze, Oberon, live guitarist singing on the patio, happy & well-behaved kids, cute shoes...honestly - what more could a girl ask for?!
Cricket guts = yellow, squirt-y casserole beneath my feet. Gag me
Looking forward to my CPR class this weekend…could be the most action I’ve seen in a LONG time.
My favorite Hot Air Balloon Festival quote from my kid so far: "woah, Mom! That balloon is lower than Lindsey Lohan's career!"
My dad's advice over the years: "there's no room in life for bad moods", "just show-up and don't have vices that cost a lot of money", "be 'kind of' good at a lot of different things and you'll fit in anywhere", "always do just a little more than anyone expects", "scrub your vent"
Happy Father's Day, guys. Maybe you aren't the kind of dad you always hoped you'd be, maybe you're better than you ever imagined, maybe your baby is still cooking or you're a step-dad/boyfriend...I promise, your presence will make a difference. Thanks!
My boys agreed this weekend that I’m ¼ hippie. I’ll take it!
My kid just looked at my stomach/abs and told me I have a one-pack. Guess that's better than a keg.
My bra is in my purse. And I’m not sure how or why that happened. Once upon a time that would have been a sign of a fun & wild night. Now I’m afraid it’s a sign of middle-aged forgetfulness
Rhianna's hoe-bag songs make me feel like a fuddy-duddy. And I exercise my American right to choose a different station when she comes on
That was definitely some non-consensual pigeon action I just saw on the rooftop. Fowl play.
Being outside with the smell of burgers cooking, live music, wide open spaces for the kids to roll around and free beer...honestly, I must have been a seagull or a beach ball in my first life because I REALLY love that shit - like it pleases me way deep in my soul

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