Friday, April 1, 2011

And Yet More Random posts

  • so, yeah...the Hooters shirt is a no-go for elementary school. The office WILL call you and let you know that your son has been given a different shirt to wear. (in case you were wondering)
  •  I wish each box of donuts came with a bikini - just as a reminder.
  • Today I realized that while a bumblebee sting will harden the boy, at the very same moment it will soften the mom.
  • In my experience, here's a slogan that will probably NEVER be pitched..."Camping-the best night's sleep you've ever had."
  • Awkward office moment: "yes, I DO have that paper you gave me...hmmm... where did I put it? Oh, hold on while I dig through my recycling...yup, here it is. Sorry 'bout that. Now, what was I supposed to do with it?"
  •  this may not be the life I always imagined, but I sure do like it.
  •  Coffee takes me as I am. We have an agreement. 
  • a true test of work ethic comes when the bosses are gone for the entire week...
  • I understand we all have needs, we all have habits, but WHY must people hock loogies and spit them where I will have to touch them accidentally at the recycling place?!
  • I need an intervention for my Q-tip addiction. It's time to walk away from the eargasm and find a better way of life.
  •  I'm not trying to judge, but I'm really questioning the business plan of the Icecream man driving through our dead-end business park at 2 pm on a Thursday. Not a real big push for fudgesicles back here.
  • it concerns me that my boys think MP3 players can't find a song fast enough. I actually busted out the, ..."back when I was a kid, you had to wait for the song to come around again on the cassette."
  •  a mother's love runs deep, but she may never understand her sons' need to rip 400 farts and discuss the depth and aroma of each one.

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