Listy List
- I have a little bank in my heart where I store my kids' love for me. And sometimes, when they're not so free flowing with it...I take out a secret withdrawal for myself
- Floating on a rich-smelling lake in a kayak with my dad on a summer evening, listening to him tell stories while live music drifts in from an outdoor venue – last night was probably my idea of heaven.
- My heart goes out to the family of the grasshopper who unknowingly just taught my son: if you trap a grasshopper under a frisbee all night, he will die a slow and claustrophobic death. Science is all around us.
- Can’t wait to hear how the counselors like the “stinkum” (A.K.A nasty Aqua Velva gift from Grandpa) my son splashed on before camp today. Our car smelled like I was driving a 65 year old man to church!
- Sometimes I flow so fluidly with the McDonald's drive-thru lady as she passes me bags of cheeseburgers then drinks then straws - we are like a dentist and his hygienist exchanging tools of meat & soda.
- I know I'm not the first to have this revelation, but my garden is like a sociology experiment: some weeds are so pretty they trick you - then destroy everything while nobody's looking. Some plants rise above the weeds and remain fruitful, others get tangled in the mix and taken down. I felt like a dictator out there deciding who stays and who goes.
- Tonight brings mixed feelings: Sad to realize that I feel better when I don't eat my soulmates - bread & candy. Happy to realize that I still get that ole feeling when Ralph Macchio does that final crane kick.
- watching 3D movies in the theatre make me open my mind so much that it feels like my organs might float out of my head.
- When I squash a mosquito and it bursts like a little blood balloon…that grosses me out. Whose blood is that? Mine? His? Some other random person he sucked? Nasty.
- May the setting sun act as an etch-a-sketch and erase the mistakes I made today. Tomorrow...I'll create a new and better stick-like drawing and even try some curves.
- Cherries and coffee for breakfast – just a regular day.
- if you want to hear true & honest thoughts, listen to the words spoken by any child exiting a port-a-potty.
- I hope I never forget the smile my boys just gave each other from finding blueberries they grew in our garden.
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