Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another List

  • if you take a long time to get ready in the bathroom while other people are waiting for you, you damn well better come out looking Bo-Derek-hot. That's why I always get ready fast...less pressure.
  • "mom, were you a redhead when dad married you?" "no, why?" "because those are the kinds of girls guys like to marry." "I guess that's why we're divorced."
  • Sometimes, all it takes is a little chat with the ladies at the water cooler and your WHOLE day can turn around. I like being a girl.
  • Suddenly I hate both of these words: Beets & Quiver. I had no idea I felt this way until I saw them in a sentence together today.
  • I know there HAS to be some link between life attitudes and people who always back into parking spaces. Everyone I know who backs in seems more hardcore/badass than my forward parking friends. I think I’m going to do a study.
  • I hate that awkward moment at work when I have a huge kielbasa on my plate and I’m really hoping someone doesn’t walk into the kitchen and see me with it before I slice it into less-shocking sizes.
  • I will always eat the caddywampus pancake if it means my son will keep experimenting in the kitchen
  • Occasionally my Windows Media Player tosses in a winter holiday tune in July and nobody knows that, for roughly 2.3 minutes, I’m imagining window shopping downtown . It’s my little work day secret.
  • In my observation, people are like cream in your coffee: Some mix right in, bring their own flavor and make your coffee taste better, others kind of float on top and just need a little time and patience to blend, but some are just plain spoiled.
  • Today's Life Lesson from our home: a friendly game of tie-your-brother-to-the-tree can turn ugly real quick (and reveal true character) when the sprinklers come on.
  • I’m thankful for my job, but today’s workload feels like I’m scooping sand right at the lake’s edge ~ every lick of the tide puts me right back where I started
  • "I am more and more convinced that our happiness or unhappiness depends more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves." -Alexander Humboldt

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