Saturday, April 2, 2011

How original...a list!

·      So proud to be able to make a kickass trumpet sound. All lips, no trumpet.
·       Do the mashed potatoes stick to my innards the way they stick to the bowl?
·       Who put crack in my dessert? I wish I knew how to quit you, pumpkin pie.
·        Wondering if I should wear clickier shoes at work like the fancy girls do.
·      I put the F-U in Flu this weekend. Piss off, viruses, you have NO business doing that to a person.
·       As some of you already know, I CANNOT eat Smarties one at a time. It is not a flaw, it's a choice.
·      Embrace the Hot Pocket as a tasty treat.What are YOU gonna pick?
·     Told  my son, "Back when I was a kid we couldn't pause or rewind our cartoons." And he was appalled at the idea
·      I have a crush on Spring.
·      Going to allow the world to surprise me today.
·     “No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?” -Elbert Hubbard
·      I love it when my dad stops by with lilacs for me. Being a daddy's girl NEVER gets old for me.
·      "because when you're the mom you HAVE to eat the butt of the loaf."
·     sometimes when certain jeans fit i have to ask myself...did i really drop some inches or is time to wash those damn things?

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