Even More
· Sometimes in the middle of the workday, I like to grab a stack of papers and tap the end on my desk like a news reporter. It makes me feel famous for 30 seconds. You should try it.
· It doesn't matter how hard I lock the doors...coyotes howling at night will ALWAYS scare the sh*t out of me. I blame television. (bunch of creepy night snackers.)
· This day just KEEPS getting better! My kids woke up healthy and had choices at breakfast time, there was a car for me to drive in my driveway, no soldiers came to my house to pillage, I am at my job where I get PAID to work. I love my life
· woke up alive today-good start!
· Thank you, Halloween Store, for breaching the subject of softcore porn for my boys. I have been trying to find a way to introduce Priests with boners, Milk Maids with huge boobs and strategically-placed "petting zoo" animals. I appreciate you breaking the ice.
· My favorite part about the nature walk today with the kids? Autumn colors, crunching leaves, the rich smell of earth & finding creative ways to distract the boys from the young couple dry-humping on the river bank.
· Apple: n. A vehicle to get caramel to my mouth hole.
· Hugs from my dad charge the goodness in my soul.
· I can't believe carbs have such a bad rap when they are so damn tasty.
· waiting for that coffee transport...
· My son said if he had two chickens he would name them "Syrup" and "Urine" because those two things sort of smell the same. I kind of agree.
· "I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer." ~Jim Carrey
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