Friday, April 22, 2011

Doodle Syllabus

One time I was in a very boring class right after lunch. Because there were no toothpicks with which to prop open my eyelids, I came up with this idea for a course I'd like to teach.  I wrote these notes while pretending to listen intently to the presentation. I've never been a very good student.

Course Name
Faking It ~ How to appear interested in a presentation which you care nothing about.
Course description: This course teaches the tricks & tools needed to make it through any boring presentation with 3 or more people and give the illusion that the attendee is interested in and taking notes about what is being discussed. *please note, students will be expelled if found to be using these tactics during MY class.

Expectations of Student Learning:  By the end of this class, students will be able to successfully sit through a group meeting (of which they are not a presenter), pretend to take notes and convince the other attendees that they actually gave a shit about what was being said.

Course Outline:        

Week 1 – Introduction to class. Getting to know you.

Week 2 – Curly doodle patterns which make it look as if you are taking notes:
      •          a series of hearts with intricate designs inside and around edges
      • an entire snake family with ornate patterns on their skin
o   May also include prey, molting & reproduction scenario
      •  line of elephants connected trunk to tail
o   possible addition if time allows: horrific safari stampede scene
      • student free-for-all
o   find your inner Bob Ross – make a happy little bush

Week 3 - Facial Expressions & Timing
      • appropriate amount of time to wait between non-chalant glances towards other attendees
      • how long to gaze off as if in thoughtful contemplation
      • key words you should listen for which should trigger nodding in agreement with speaker

Week 4 – How to do cool pencil tricks (like the Iceman/Slider from Top Gun) under the table without looking like you are playing with your genitalia.   
Week 5 - opening candy/snacks without rattling paper

Week 6 – how to print and then re-write in cursive, all the lyrics to lengthy songs:
(cursive refresher app will be available on line)
      • Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
o   Includes short idea-workshop on how to spell flute-ish parts in the beginning and mouth-guitar parts in middle.
      • American Pie by Don McLean
      • A Hole in the Bucket from elementary school music class. 

Week 7 – treating the backs of your teeth like a xylophone with your tongue as the stick.
      • Hot Cross Buns
      • Don' Worry Be Happy
      • Pachelbel’s Canon in D (for advanced students only)

Week 8 – Final Exam.
      • Entire class will sit through a Biology Power Point Presentation and I will observe and grade individual skills.

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