Saturday, April 2, 2011

just another list

·     sorry, but for me, tonight's "super"moon is just further proof: even though everyone is swooning over something and heavily anticipating its arrival - the real beauty is usually found in a not-so-super-average-everyday-something that nobody was watching or waiting for and never really expected at all.
·     I’ve learned not to put all my eggs in one basket. Never put ANY of my eggs in someone else’s basket - just hold my own. Scramble the broken ones and eat ‘em. Decorate the rotten ones. (And maybe save a few of the big ones to sit on for when the nights get lonely.)
·         Pretty sure I just saw a robin standing in the snow, texting his friend: "FML"
·     "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." ~ Maya Angelou
·     I'm sorry, I don't know your struggles. But please don't leave your baby in a garbage bag or backpack or anywhere else to die. There are OTHER options. You can leave your baby, up to 3 days old, with a staff member at any hospital, fire station, police station or any emergency service provider.
·      I currently have a creepy & lethargic housefly that has been trapped in my house for a few days. He lops around and lingers in my personal bubble causing me to momentarily question my hygiene. I DO try to swat him but he’s like some kind of Super Freak
·     The type of men our boys will become can rely on something as simple as our response to: “Mom, I’m scared.” Heavy is the mind of a mother (and light is the sleep) when recognizing this at 4:40 a.m.
·     I am here to announce: if you buy the same body wash for your kids that your lover uses you WILL have system confusion at several points in the day or night. Stay focused.
·     "Boys, why is this Dora bowl stuffed between the freezer and the wall in the back room?" I said to my 8 & 9 year old sons, to which they replied: "MOM, its embarassing and its interfering with our socializing. Please get rid of it!"
 Apparently, when listening to my boys play wheelbarrow down the hallway, the unmistakable sound of my son's jaw chomping through his tongue can send me into a full sprint. 
Hey, closet, what's with shrinking all my Spring pants?!

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