Musings of Mine
· What is this world coming to when George Dubyah says "one of the most disgusting moments of my presidency" was a comment KANYE WEST made about him. What is this? Never-Ending Junior High? Lame.
· Me and Saturday sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G
· If I was in charge of designing bodies, I would allow the body to receive coffee as usual but make it smell a little better after coating the tongue.
· if watching the Shake Weight commercial makes you blush, you would think you were at a porno convention watching me try to get that mushroom soup out of the can.
· "Anyone can slay a dragon, but try waking up every morning & loving the world all over again. That's what takes a real hero." - anonymous
· Hip Hop class proved my funk translator must be broken. I HEARD the funk, I FELT the funk and I could definately SMELL my funk...but when I looked in the mirror all I saw was a loppy old white girl. Maybe next week.
· oh dinner, why must you turn my walls beef-scented?!
· For me, the second day of Daylight Savings is like left over lasagna. You know what I'm talking about
· Had a talk with the weeds in my garden. We agreed they will spend the bitter cold winter thinking about what they've done, share some words with the perennials in there and come up next Spring with a new lifestyle. Let's here it for second chances!
· Apparently, I’m that mom who takes her son a slab of ham when he calls from school with a hurting body.
· Sometimes I look at really skinny girls and think, “your jeans look great, but how do you fit all your organs in that body?”
· If I owned a helmet that helped me stay focused and get a LOT of work done, I could totally use it today. Instead, I guess I’ll do coffee
· not sure who to vote for? Use my kids' criteria: someone who is about 28 because they are just getting out of their graffiti stage, someone with an exotic letter in their name who has a good smile and a smart paragraph. Or an old guy.
· Attention Soul Suckers. I have a LOT of soul to suck and you will NEVER be able to bring me down with your crappy suckish ways. So there.
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