Le List
· My 7 yr old: "OF COURSE a lot of girls want to kiss Tiger Woods - he's rich and sportsy. He should have just told his wife he was golfing and THEN secretly go kiss those other girls." (gulp, this is what I call a teachable moment).
· "Mom, I can't believe I can be upside down, swallow a pickle, and it still ends up in my stomach!"
· "Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine." ~ Mario Fernandez
· a haiku: sweet chiropractor, the merlot you prescribed me, makes me a drunk girl.
· I'll admit it, I've spanked myself in the face with sliced salami more than once.
· I will always believe that when my ear is ringing someone is thinking of me.
· There ain't much a little Kenny Rogers won't cure.
· carbs + me = soulmates
· my youngest just said to me: "mom, I want to live in your dimples because you are always smiling and I would always have a place to stay". :)
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