Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nearly Done

·     Today’s headline from my work lunch hour: Woman loses popularity points with co-workers when she openly admits she prefers the taste of black licorice. June, a spunky and well-liked receptionist at a local office received a shocking number of frowns and sour faces when asked at lunch today, “what is your favorite kind of treat?” June's response? “Black licorice.”
·     I think I set myself apart from the other natural foods store shoppers today when the lady in front of me gasped at the price of her $34/lb powdered cheddar and I suggested she snort it.
·     If I am Juliet and "Saturday Morning" is my Romeo, then housework is Daddy Capulet - keeping us apart. But tomorrow I shall steal away with Romeo's slightly uglier brother, "Sunday Morning", and make-out with him and maybe let him feel me up a little.
·     Me: "Sweet! Toys R Us recalled that broken pogo stick I bought you for Christmas!" Heartbroken Son: "So, it's true? There's no Santa?" whoops.
·     For me, the day after a bad mood is like a day after heavy drinking. The damage is done, now it’s best to just wait and see who takes you as you are.
·     if my boys learn anything from watching Footloose tonight, I hope it's: you CAN work out your frustration by dancing through a warehouse...kick, punch, jazz run from your pain.
·    Stolen poetry from my little hippie church this morning:

"Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth,
'You owe Me.'
Look what happens with
A love like that,
It lights the Whole Sky" ~Hafiz (a Persian poet from the 1300s)
·         Watching Saturday Night Fever: The original Jersey Shore minus douche factor plus disco! Sweet.
·     Am I the only parent whose kids still have Halloween candy in March? I'm not talking about the shitty 1 cent jawbreakers, I mean they still have Twix, Starburst, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! Anyone else?
·     "Is this one of those movies where they set out to find the treasure but the REAL treasure just ends up being friendship? Because I HATE those kinds of movies" ~my son before pressing play for Wayne's World.
·         "It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it" ~ Lena Horne
·     Started the day off grumpy with how I was woken up (quiet, dry, unafraid). Then I see what's going on in Japan/Hawaii...I'm such a baby. Strength to those involved.
·     The questionnaire before giving blood forces me to notice my boring life: never been to Mexico, never shot-up illegal drugs, never (not even once) had sex with an African. Ho hum.

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