Saturday, April 2, 2011


  • I love how a good song can fill my soul and hug my heart like an old friend.
  • Whenever I hear the Blue Angels flying overhead, I feel so proud to live in a country where those sounds are only for entertainment – not protection.
  • Today, at 12:15 pm, I reached the motherhood goal I always imagined when one simple question was asked by the neighbor kid: "Can I have more Sunny D, please?"
  • If I could, I would bottle up and save the sweetness of my sons. Then, when they lean the other way on the spectrum, I could take a swig to remind myself.
  • Karma pushed three Morning Glory vines through my garden. I planted them last summer and lots of them came up, but those three little suckers waited a whole year to surprise me. What a treat!
  • sooooo glad the jackass across the street with no muffler on his car has switched to the night shift instead of rattling the whole neighborhood awake at 5:00 a.m.
  • These days I think its best not to imagine a life map - just pack a lunch, a smile and an open mind and everything should go your way.
  • my dad: "you spend much time on that Faceplant or Footspace or whatever they call it?"
  • a golf bag in the corner of a room looks like a person. that can freak a girl out 14 out of 15 times she walks past it.
  • Watermelon with seeds is to seedless watermelon as Myspace is to Facebook.
  • I know this is very uncool, but HD tv is too real for me. Somehow I feel safer with some extra levels of def between myself and Jim Carey.
  • it seems to me that if you hold too many grudges, your arms may be too full to open for anyone else. Life is short. Let it go.
  • Idle is my tongue when sitting with a gossiper...
  • If you find yourself with loads of patience, some extra time and a full tank of gas...give your kid a map and have him tell you where to go.

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