Saturday, April 2, 2011

Listy Listerton

  • hey, bikini...let's make a deal. This may not be our year - but we are going to trick some of those folks the best we can.
  •  ‎"kissing you is WAY better than kissing an ogre, mom" :)
  • nobody to blame but marker in the pocket does not for clean laundry make. WHEN will I learn to check my kids' pockets first?
  • Adding to my friendship resume: able to text a noseless smiley face without even looking. :)
  • Of all the summers I thought, "this is my favorite summer" - this is my favorite summer.
  • I'm taking tomorrow as a do-over.
  • sometimes I ask myself, when watching my boys, who needs Nintendo when there are farts?
  • Funny how the one thing that used to bug me about my dad when I was young was that "he always SHOWS up".  And now, as an adult, one of my biggest joys is that "he ALWAYS shows up."
  • FYI - 6:06 am is when my neighborhood cricket stops chirping. All night long the sound drifts in and out of my psyche - making me dream about referees who fall asleep with whistles in their mouth. No wonder I woke up feeling so "foul" :)
  • Pretty sure that big meaty spider that ran across my co-worker's desk was wearing a fedora and carrying a hobo stick. I am SO out of here.

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